




休斯顿餐厅周 又迎来了第21个年头. 一年一度的筹款活动将持续到9月11日. 30, gives food enthusiasts the chance to explore Houston's diverse culinary scene while contributing to a worthy cause. 有超过400家餐厅参与, this year's event promises an exciting array of new dining experiences you won't want to miss. 以下是Hga010皇冠软件下载今年选出的前五名新上榜者: 


野兽的肚子 reopened late last year after the pandemic disrupted its 2020 debut. Chef Thomas Bille is showcasing a vibrant selection of Mexican-inspired dishes for 休斯顿餐厅周 with a three-course dinner. The meal starts with your choice of tuna tostada, wedge salad or grilled peach and burrata toast. 对于主菜, 选项包括墨西哥玉米饼, 猪五花肉玉米卷或牛肉玉米卷, with the choice of grilled shrimp or roasted chicken to complete the meal. 

《Hga010皇冠软件下载》| The Heights 

这家五月开业的餐厅融合了欧洲和德克萨斯的风味. 休斯顿餐厅周, 蓝色大号 will offer both Brunch and Dinner menus. Brunch features a 德国-style platter, goulash, apple foster 法国 toast and 匈牙利 crepes. 晚餐,开胃菜包括斯洛伐克通心粉 & cheese and 波兰的 tacos, while main course options feature pork schnitzel and chicken paprikash. 甜点的选择包括奶油 拉西姆丝和提拉米苏. 

Le Jardinier |市中心 

Located inside the Museum of Fine 艺术, Houston, Le Jardinier serves up a 法国-inspired cuisine. 由米其林星级厨师Alain Verzeroli创作, 勒贾迪尼提供了一个广泛的休斯顿餐厅周菜单, 有早午餐的选择, 午餐和晚餐. 菜单上的亮点是三道菜的晚餐, 其中包括搅打过的布拉塔奶酪, 玉米丝绒配虾, 烤红椒烩饭, 三文鱼草莓慕斯. 

MaKiin | Upper Kirby/River Oaks 

由深受喜爱的金迪泰国餐厅背后的团队创作, MaKiin去年在汉诺威河畔橡树园首次亮相. 休斯顿餐厅周, MaKiin offers a delectable three-course dinner. Starters feature a sampler with three curry choices, Khao Tang Na Tang and a summer salad. 对于主菜, 食客可以选择猪排骨, 三文鱼配上浓郁的咖喱, 咖喱菠萝蜜或菲力牛排. Dessert includes unique delights such as butterfly pea flower-infused coconut ice cream and mango sticky rice. 

Norigami |美国西部大学  

去年由Hidden Omakase和Sushi by Hidden背后的团队开设, Norigami擅长手卷寿司. 休斯顿餐厅周, Norigami is offering a three-course dinner that begins with your choice of steamed, 大蒜或辣毛豆. 然后是精选的鳕鱼、三文鱼或滨鱼. The meal concludes with a choice of hand rolls: spicy salmon, bluefin tuna or spicy scallop. 

了解更多关于 住在休斯敦




距离市中心仅几分钟路程, Houston’s Montrose neighborhood stands out for its historic charm and eclectic spirit. From its unique art galleries and vibrant murals to its diverse dining scene and vintage shops, 蒙特罗斯为每个人提供了一些东西. 下面是你探索这个独一无二的社区的指南.   艺术 & Entertainment  单击展开 蒙特罗斯艺术圈的中心是梅尼尔收藏馆, a world-class museum offering free admission to a diverse range of artworks, 从古代和拜占庭的文物到非洲的文物, 太平洋岛屿和现代和当代作品. 博物馆的园区横跨五栋建筑, 包括梅尼尔绘画学院, 美国唯一的独立设施.S. 专门致力于现代和当代绘画. 校园里还有里士满大厅, 丹·弗莱文装置的所在地, 沉浸式灯光体验.  单击展开 Take a stroll down Westheimer or Shepherd streets to explore the neighborhood’s vibrant murals and street art.   单击展开 这个社区也是Stages的所在地, 有三个剧场的设施,可以举办各种各样的演出, 从喜剧到音乐剧. Live music lovers can catch acoustic sets and folk performances at Anderson Fair, an intimate and historic venue that has been showcasing singer-songwriters since 1970, 包括德州乡村传奇人物罗伯特·厄尔·基恩. 为了更古怪的体验, AvantGarden, 一个露台酒吧和休息室, 提供当地乐队的组合, 诗歌朗诵, 在悠闲的环境中学习艺术课等等.    餐厅 & Shops  蒙特罗斯是美食爱好者的天堂, 提供独特的菜肴,与社区本身一样多样化. 像雨果这样的老店, 以正宗的墨西哥菜而闻名, 坑室, 一个烧烤的好去处和Uchi, 创新的日本餐厅, 由詹姆斯·比尔德获奖厨师泰森·科尔创立, 提供难忘的用餐体验.  单击展开 与此同时, 像万寿菊俱乐部这样令人兴奋的新场所, 受法国启发的概念, Okto, 一家地中海餐厅和泰国尾餐厅, 一家提供独特的泰国和美国菜的快速休闲餐厅, 在附近越来越受欢迎了吗.  单击展开 购物者可以在Montrose Collective尽情享受, a new mixed-use center featuring trendy dining spots like Sophie’s Cocktail & Terrace Bar and Marmo. Collective也是Mejuri等时尚店面的所在地, 高级珠宝精品店, 和改革, 受欢迎的服装零售商. 为了健康和美丽, 该中心提供一流的设施,如Hi, 皮肤。, 奢华的面部水疗, 和Solidcore, 一个尖端的普拉提工作室.  单击展开 这里也是古董爱好者的天堂, 这里有各种各样的旧货店和古董店,比如Pavement, 豹休息室, 公会商店和Out of The Closet, 在哪里你可以发现奇怪的发现和隐藏的宝藏. 如果你在寻找当地的艺术品和手工制品, Space Montrose offers a wide selection of products from Houston-based artists and makers. 对于书籍爱好者来说,篮子书 & 艺术 is a true literary gem, offering a thoughtfully curated selection of books alongside a contemporary art gallery. 这家独立书店还举办社区活动, 包括读书会, 作家见面会和诗歌朗诵.  公园 & Green Spaces  单击展开 Montrose offers numerous parks and green spaces for a retreat from the urban hustle. 在Menil Collection校园, 你会找到梅尼尔公园, offering 30 acres of serene green space with a picturesque view of unique sculptures and shady trees. 如果你是一个爱狗人士, 前往艾文洲公园, where you’ll find a spacious dog play area and a playground and splash pad for kids, 让它成为全家的好去处.  曼德尔公园是当地另一处受人喜爱的瑰宝, 郁郁葱葱的花园, walking trails and shaded areas perfect for picnics or a quiet afternoon with a book. The park also hosts community events such as teaching gardens and live music nights. 其他受欢迎的社区包括樱桃赫斯特公园和什菲克公园.  了解更多关于在休斯顿生活的信息. 


Houston has quickly established itself as one of the most attractive cities for professionals aiming to advance their careers. 随着经济的蓬勃发展, 多元化的就业市场和友好的商业环境, 这个城市为职业发展提供了理想的环境.  强劲的经济和产业结构  拥有众多蓬勃发展的工业, 包括皇冠HGA010官方下载, 生命科学, 航空航天与技术, 休斯敦提供了丰富的职业机会和途径, catering to professionals with varied interests or those seeking to transition into new fields. 根据合作伙伴2024年休斯顿事实出版物, 休斯顿已经增加了620多个,大流行后的000个工作岗位.   企业与创新的中心  在重点行业处于领先地位, Houston is globally recognized as the 皇冠HGA010官方下载 Capital of the World and Space City, 吸引大公司到该地区. The city now hosts 24 Fortune 500 companies, with Chevron being the latest addition. This corporate presence has created a fertile environment for entrepreneurship, 为创业公司提供尖端技术, 基础设施, 皇冠HGA010官方下载支持和资金. 利用这些资源, Houston has established itself as a city where you can not only build your business from the ground up, 还能实现可扩展性, 这是在其他地方很难找到的优势.   根据合伙关系, 休斯顿有9个,300家科技相关公司, 包括1个以上,000家风投支持的创业公司. 这些公司收到了7美元.54 billion in venture capital funding over the last five years, including $1.去年600亿美元.   顶级教育机构云集  The city is also home to prestigious institutions such as Rice University, 休斯顿大学和德克萨斯医学中心, 世界上最大的医疗中心之一. These institutions serve as catalysts for research and groundbreaking discoveries, 使休斯顿成为领先的创新中心.   另外, 这个城市的社区学院, 包括休斯顿社区学院, 圣哈辛托学院, 艾尔文社区学院, 孤星大学和其他学校, 在塑造未来的劳动力方面发挥重要作用. These institutions provide a vast range of career development and training programs, as well as continuing education opportunities tailored to meet the evolving needs of the region’s job market.  负担得起的生活费用  休斯顿的生活成本比美国低6%.S. average and nearly 30 percent lower than that of the nation’s 20 largest metropolitan areas, 根据合伙关系. The city also offers some of the highest adjusted salaries for new graduates, 平均年收入65美元,648, 薪资软件公司Gusto的一份报告显示. This combination of low living costs and competitive salaries enhances the city’s appeal as a place where professionals can thrive both financially and personally.  准备好推进你的事业? The Greater Houston Partnership’s Houston Young Professionals and Entrepreneurs program provides valuable professional development for aspiring business and community leaders through networking and skill-building opportunities. 了解如何参与并促进你的职业发展. 




休斯顿的艺术文化充满活力和多样性, reflecting the city's multicultural population and its commitment to fostering artistic expression in all its forms. 从世界级的博物馆和剧院到充满活力的……
